Tuesday 1 November 2011

Thanks for checking in. We all agree that today was the hottest day yet! We are in tents tonight an hoping it will cool off some. We watched zebra and baboons stoll past as we settled into our camp. We head back into Kenya tomorrow for our last safari night before some of us head to Zanzibar to relax on the beach and Joanne and I head back to Arusha Tanzania to .... get to work at the clinic.

Scroll through older posts down at the bottom of the page. I think I just added 9 photos. I opted out of some of the lizard and gigantic bug pictures!

Missing many people back home but thoroughly enjoying Africa!

We had a hot dry dusty drive down into Ngorogoro crater. Full of animals including pink flamingo and a rare sighting of four black rhino.


  1. Great photos once again. Is there such a thing as a pretty lizard?
    All 3 girls are keeping healthy, busy & active & maybe a little hyper, especially after the hefty loot bags that arrived home last eve.
    The weather in Sk. has turned a bit chillier but still nice for Nov.
    Sure do miss everyone & am looking to Nov. 13 & hearing all the interesting stories.
    Keep on trekkin' & picture takin'!
    Much love to all!

  2. Thanks for the update! Great photos. All is well here. The girls had a great time on Halloween, Shaun's first time trick or treating! She caught on quickly!
    Miss you Auntie!
    Have a wonderful time ladies!
