Tuesday 25 October 2011

SAFARI time....only words and no pictures....I think it's due to the very s l o w internet??

Hi everyone who checks the blog! We have been completely and totally rural and in the bush. This is definately a rare and welcomed "blog opoportunity"! I will start first by saying we are all great and all safely travelling the back country of Kenya. We get tid bits of news updates that tell us of Somolian unrest. What we know for sure is that we feel safe and well looked after. Tourism is key to Kenyan economy so tourists are treated extremely well by all.

On a lighter note, we have had an amazing few days into our safari adventure and topped it off this evening with some great sightings of flamingos, a jackel, white rhinos, lions and our third rare leopard sighting! The 'cats' seem to be the most elusive and therefore the toughest to see. We spent last night at what they call The Ark. A very beautiful lush green spot where the animals came to us! There were big open decks set in front and along side The Ark that was situated in front of a large green space and a watering hole. We watched hyenas and water buffalo, mongoose and a garet cat, impalas and water buck. Then with the assist of some flood lighting we watched in awe, a dozen elephants and a tiny baby as they came to drink and dine. We sat and watched for well over and hour.

A couple of days ago we side tripped from the game drive to spend a morning at a Samburu village. What an experience. They danced and performed and showed us deep into their way of life encouraging us to ask any and all questions and to visit with the village people. We learned personal details of their way of life and spent time in their school that they were very proud of. The children sang and we very entertaining and lots of fun. I fell in love with 'Salamina' who was two, naked from the waist down and came and took me by the hand to dance with her! One of the many things we learned of the Samburu people is that they eat ONLY meat, milk and blood!

We are here in the rainy season so most days we have a heavy rain that lasts only about 20 minutes or so and leaves many puddles in the otherwise dry dusty "bad" roads.

Cheryl and I found ourselves in the local toilet facilities today but ended up with a true African experience! The food is great with lots of variety and some great fruit, coffee, tea and we manage to get in Tusker time for happy hour! (a refreshing Kenyan beer)

Thanks for checking in and hopefully another blog opportunity will arise very soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Glad to get an update on the blog.
    What an interesting few days you've been having. Look forward to a more detailed account of the "African bathroom" experience.
    Weather is cool but sunny & pleasant back here.
    Girls are doing great & Erin is off on her outdoor field trip today.
    Lovebto all!

  3. To the women absent in my life,

    WOW... it sounds incredible. I'm so impressed you saw white rhino's! COOL! I'm excited you guys got to experience a village, did they do the "stick jumping" to show off for the women (that might just be a Massi thing). The Ark sounds AMAZING!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures.

    Regina couldn't be much more boring. I've been doing a lot of coffee drinking and TLC watching. Tucker sticks close to me everywhere in the house and Ruby basically does her own thing. They've been at the daycare with BFF CJ every week day.

    HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY to my aunt!! You'll be partying much better than if you were home. Soak it up. And I'm glad to see you've found the Tusker's as good as we did. Also, have an orange Fanta in a glass bottle (WITH A STRAW!) for me, would ya?

    Love you all!! Live it up!


  4. Hi,
    Sounds like a great trip. Can you please pass a message to Maggie that her favorite employee resigned today. :)


  5. As per Blog Subject content - The old 'true African Experience' can be a canvas surround & a Bucket Shower...the rest is left to your imagination!
    Mike (Cheryl's husband)

  6. Sounds like a fabulous trip! Thanks for sharing it with us....


  7. I am enjoying reading your adventures. I am also incredibly jealous :-)

    If you find any lost cities of gold in the jungle please bring back a jewel encrusted goblet for me.


  8. Birthday Greetings to Jan on the 27th from Erin, Cheyenne, Sarah, Papa & Mumoo!
    Lots of love!
    xxxxxxxx oooooooo <<<<<<<<<<<333333333

  9. Great Update! Thanks for sharing the photos - girls loved it. We sure miss Auntie Biz! All is well here, travel safe.
    xoxoxo Jamie, Jeff, Marin and Shaunie

    Happy Birthday Jan!

  10. Happy birthday sis!! I hope the chubuku agrees with you. It's great to hear all the fantastic tales, but unlike mumoo I don't think I need any more details on the bathroom experience. Keep the snakes outside your windows! We miss and love you.

    We will be west in mid Dec. so can't wait to hear all the stories first hand.

    - Burbarts
