Thursday 20 October 2011

Waiting in Amsterdam

We're sitting here in the Amsterdam airport having been checked, scanned and body searched through what seemed to be an odd security set-up in the boarding area? However, a l-o-n-g flight from Calgary and we are here about to board to Nairobi! Super modern and very nice Amsterdam airport. Good cheese and nice tulips. Maggie, Joanne, Kerry and I could certainly use some sleep. We have an 8-ish hour flight and arrive late tonight in Nairobi. Thanks for checkin' in on us. Looking forward to connecting up with Elizabeth and Cheryl.


  1. Glad you have made it safe and sound, enjoy every minute! We are missing you already xoxo

  2. So nice to talk to you & glad to hear all's well in Nairobi!
    Have fun!
